Young Scholars Academy
Picture a place where your child fits in, is celebrated, is mentored, and loves learning the unique content their beautiful brain craves. That is happening every day at Young Scholars Academy for nearly 400 families, and it can happen for your family, too!
Young Scholars Academy is a Virtual Village that offers one-of-a-kind, engaging enrichment courses & camps for 5-18-year-old gifted, twice-exceptional, and bright, differently-wired kids to empower them to develop their strengths, make like-minded friends, cultivate life skills, build confidence, and feel great about themselves under the loving care of expert mentor teachers!
Ever Have These Thoughts?
Ugh! I can’t find the topics and learning environment my child craves
My child’s love of learning has been crushed out of them
If I could only find a place where my kiddo could build confidence
It’s impossible to find classes that fit into our busy schedule
I know this is a critical time in my child’s life and I need to make things happen, now
You’re Not Alone And We Can Help!
You’re In The Right Place If…
You dream of your child being surrounded by friends, in a caring community where they belong
You’ve tried other programs before but, you can’t seem to find a place where your child is happy, safe, and thriving
You know your kiddo is so bright and capable, but they seem to struggle at every turn
You may even be convinced that your current school only sees your child’s areas for growth
Explore Courses & Camps Here:
Spring Courses
Spring is a brand new opportunity to secure a spot in your favorite classes! Click below and empower content they crave, a community of friends, and caring mentors who love and nurture them!
Summer Camps & Courses
Two ways to enrich your child’s learning experience this Summer by enrolling in Camps that meet daily and courses that meet once a week.
Self-Paced Courses
Empower Your Neurodivergent Child to Dream Big and Learn the Content They Crave on their own terms with Self-Paced Courses! These classes come with a way to communicate with teachers and get feedback!

Want To Try A FREE Class? How About 12?
Get Instant Access to 12+ FREE Classes Your Child Will LOVE❤️
Classes Like “Minecraft Engineering, Intro To Acting, Executive Function 101, Debate, & More!
Just Enter Your Email Below & Tell Us Where To Send Them

Imagine How It Will Feel When You Have This…
Watch The Video Below To See How Families Like Yours Are Thriving Here At Young Scholars Academy

What Debbie Reber, 2e Expert & Bestselling Author Says About YSA:
"My favorite (virtual) summer camp for neurodivergent kids!
I used to search high and low for unique…opportunities back when Ash was younger. Finding camps that ticked all the boxes — emotionally safe and supportive environments, topics that appeal to kids with unique interests, and a peer group of other differently wired kids so my child could feel belonging and community — could be a tall order.
I think that's why I'm such a big fan of Sam Young's Young Scholars Academy. Sam designed his program…develop strengths, interests, and relationships and offer a safe haven for differently wired kids to connect around their asynchronies, quirks, and interests...I could go on, but if you're looking for summer programs for your kids, I encourage you to stop reading…and go check out YSA."
- Debbie Reber

Try 12+ FREE Classes NOW!
Classes Your Child Will LOVE & Can Take, NOW!
Tell Us Where To Send Them & Watch Your Kiddo THRIVE—All At No Cost!
Your Child’s Best Year Ever Is Just One Course Away!
Young Scholars Academy Offers:
Strength-based, passion-focused enrichment courses & camps
A virtual village, chock full of warmth, support, and acceptance for both parents and students
Peace of mind knowing that your child is showing the world their strengths and is loved for them
Noticeable change in your child’s happiness, confidence, and comfort socializing in as little as 2-4 weeks!
Small class sizes with expert mentors well-versed in twice-exceptional and neurodiverse students (most were them!)

As Seen On:
Your Wins Start Here
Check out the wins this family is experiencing:
“Before our YSA journey began, things were really tough at our house, lots of out of control behavior, and zero solutions in sight. Nothing we tried was helping long term. I had the tools, but my daughter just didn't want to hear them from me. Then I found YSA by chance. My daughter was hesitant, especially since she didn't have a neurodiverse diagnosis (and still doesn't), and see why this community would benefit her.
I knew this is where she needed to be. Trust your gut. After one class, she was hooked. She felt such a sense of relief that she wasn't the only one who saw things differently. She immediately felt a sense of community and support. I see her developing a higher self-esteem and patience for others. She bounces back from overwhelming feelings versus a major blowup.
Recently we were at a zoo and she initiated a conversation with a zoo employee after she said, that was brave of me and outside my comfort zone, but I did it. She had so much pride in that moment. I hope our story helps you find your path.”
What Debbie Steinberg Kuntz, Leading 2e Expert Says About YSA:
"I highly recommend…Sam Young and… Young Scholars Academy.
I first met Sam when we did a pop-up program for kids during Covid. He is a former teacher at Bridges Academy who came highly recommend and he EXCELLED at teaching our unique kids. In fact, I mentored him in business for free because I was so impressed.
Now he’s running a very unique program with intriguing classes for kids 5-18, like executive function, D&D, debate, AP classes, social club, and much more.
I feel confident in recommending Sam and team to enrich your child’s education. The secret to putting the light in your child’s eyes is: blowing on the embers of their strengths and interests.”
-Debbie Steinberg Kuntz, LMFT
What Our Parents Say…

Give Your Child The Gift Of Engaging Learning
Get Instant Access To Over 12 FREE Classes
Just Tell Us Where To Send These Classes
Watch Your Child Dive Into The Learning You’ve Been Dreaming Of
Use Your Charter/ESA Funds From These Programs:

Explore Courses & Camps Here:
Spring Courses
Spring is a brand new opportunity to secure a spot in your favorite classes! Click below and empower content they crave, a community of friends, and caring mentors who love and nurture them!
Summer Camps & Courses
Two ways to enrich your child’s learning experience this Summer by enrolling in Camps that meet daily and courses that meet once a week.
Self-Paced Courses
Empower Your Neurodivergent Child to Dream Big and Learn the Content They Crave on their own terms with Self-Paced Courses! These classes come with a way to communicate with teachers and get feedback!
👋 “Hi!” From Our Head of School, Mr. Sam
Wherever your child is on their twice-exceptional/neurodivergent journey, NOW is the best time to take the next step towards thriving! Here, at Young Scholars Academy, you will see your child thriving from day 1!
I know that you may be feeling alone, frustrated, anxious, or uncertain about your next step on the pathway to seeing your child become all that you know that they are capable of being.
I’m here to tell you that all you have to do is just take ONE MORE STEP!
Join our 14 mentors who have dedicated their lives to ensuring your child THRIVES! Join the over 200 families currently seeing their children flourish here in our Virtual Village! Take that one step today and your only regret will be that you didn’t join us sooner!
Looking forward to serving your family at the highest level!
-Mr. Sam, M.Ed.

Try A FREE Class!!!
Get Instant Access to 12+ FREE Classes Your Child Will LOVE❤️
Classes Like “Minecraft Engineering, Intro To Acting, Executive Function 101, Debate, & More!
Just Enter Your Email Below & Tell Us Where To Send Them