AI Architects: Exploring the Power of Artificial Intelligence for beginners

Prepare to be amazed as you watch your differently-wired kiddo make real friends, explore this unique content, grow under the guidance of this expert mentor, and be seen in all their glory!

Ages: 8-18

Class size: Maximum- 8 Students

Level: All Levels

Price Per Session: $49

Why Take This Course?

💻 AI changes everything!

AI (Artificial Intelligence) seems to be everywhere today! But what IS this mysterious technology? How does a computer "think" like a human? Is it safe? Will AI take over the world and destroy humanity?

In this course, we’re not only going to explore online Artificial Intelligence LLM systems (like ChatGPT, Google Bard, etc) and learn how to effectively use them to create things like: songs, poems, travel itineraries, or learning how to start hobbies, build a resume, etc. MORE IMPORTANTLY, we’re going to explore how AI works and engage with a REAL AI Sim Brain!

Step into the forefront of technological innovation with AI Architects, an immersive course designed for aspiring technologists and visionaries eager to explore the boundless world of AI. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey as we delve into the intricate art of designing intelligent systems.  

Join us as we navigate the ethical considerations surrounding AI and discover the latest advancements revolutionizing industries and societies. Together, we'll harness the power of creativity to shape a future illuminated by the limitless potential of Artificial Intelligence!

Basic computer knowledge is strongly encouraged (copy and paste, opening programs, downloading, saving, etc.)

*If kids cannot do independently, adult should be present and available to assist during class

Watch Our Students In Action

  • Step into the forefront of technological innovation with AI Architects, an immersive course designed for aspiring technologists and visionaries eager to explore the boundless world of AI. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey as we delve into the intricate art of designing intelligent systems.

    Through a captivating blend of historical insights, theoretical concepts, ethical discussions, and practical applications, participants will develop a profound understanding of machine learning, neural networks, and data analytics.

    Join us as we navigate the ethical considerations surrounding AI and discover the latest advancements revolutionizing industries and societies. Together, we'll harness the power of creativity to shape a future illuminated by the limitless potential of Artificial Intelligence!

    Throughout this cutting-edge course, students will:

    Dive into AI History: Trace the evolution of AI, from its humble origins to its present-day prominence, exploring pivotal moments and groundbreaking achievements that have paved the way for its transformative capabilities.

    Master Theoretical Concepts: Gain a comprehensive grasp of the fundamental theories underpinning AI, including machine learning, neural networks, and data analytics. Develop fluency in the language of AI and acquire the tools to bring your visionary ideas to life.

    Explore Ethical Considerations: Engage in thought-provoking discussions surrounding the ethical implications of AI, including privacy, bias, transparency, and responsibility. Navigate the complex landscape of AI ethics and learn how to champion ethical AI practices in a rapidly evolving world.

    Embrace Practical Applications: Roll up your sleeves and embark on hands-on projects that put your newfound knowledge into practice. Collaborate with peers to design and develop intelligent systems, leveraging cutting-edge AI tools and frameworks to solve real-world problems.

    Witness Industry Transformations: Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of AI applications across industries, uncovering the game-changing innovations that are reshaping businesses and societies. Gain valuable insights into the potential of AI to revolutionize fields such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and more.

    Ignite Your Creative Spark: Cultivate your imaginative thinking and let your creativity soar as you explore the frontiers of AI. Discover novel approaches, brainstorm innovative solutions, and push the boundaries of what is possible, all with the guidance of experienced AI architects.

    Basic computer knowledge is strongly encouraged (copy and paste, opening programs, downloading, saving, etc.)

    *If kids cannot do independently, adult should be present and available to assist during class

  • By the end of this transformative journey, participants will emerge as skilled AI architects, equipped with the knowledge, ethical awareness, and practical expertise to shape the future of Artificial Intelligence.

    Join us in harnessing the immense power of AI and embarking on a remarkable quest to transform industries, enrich lives, and unlock the untapped potential of our digital world.

  • To be in the AI class, each student will need:

    1. a computer capable of running Java ( chromebooks will struggle if able to at all)

    2. Java run time installed and working

    3. Free software : SimBrain (runs on windows, mac or linux)

Our Promise To You

Satisfaction Guarantee:

Your child must attend the class in question to qualify.

If you’re not 100% IN LOVE with your courses, here are your options:

  • Refund requests must be received up to 24 hours after the first course begins to do one of the following options:

    • transfer to another course of the same price

    • get a 100% refund credit toward a future class

    • get a 75% money-back to the original payment method

  • The deposit made at the time of enrollment is non-refundable. 

    Cancellation options are:

    Payment plan: Cancellation requests received up to 24 hours after the first course begins will stop any future payments.

    Any cancellation requests beyond that require a 30-day notice to stop the membership/billing.

    Paid in full:

    Cancellation requests require a 30-day notice.

    The remaining balance at the end of the 30-day cancellation period can be used to transfer to another class or be converted to credit toward a future class.

How To Enroll

Explore Times

Click below to discover when this transformative course is blasting off:

What Our Parents Say…

Meet Your Mentor

Mr. Salch

I am a retired tech executive, father of 13, experienced online teacher. Over the last six years I have successfully taught over 10,000 students across several platforms, schools, and approaches. During this time I have perfected the art of online teaching with hands-on activities in an exciting and inviting environment.

The focus in all my courses is understanding of foundational principles. I strongly believe in helping my students climb Blooms Taxonomy beyond mere memorization and well into problem solving. I like to teach students "how to think about this to solve problems" and "how things work". Once they see the core principles, their built in curiosity and drive kicks in to push them deeper into exploration and skill set building.

Yet I believe each child is unique, with a unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Our job as the adults in their lives, is to help them overcome the weaknesses while building success on the strengths. This is not a "cookie cutter" approach, but rather a individually tailored experience.

Explore Other Courses Offered by Young Scholars Academy

Questions Asked By Fellow Parents

  • 4 KEY things:

    1- A focus on the positive! We don’t focus on what students aren’t doing, we support what they are and we know the rest will come. We develop strengths, interests, and relationships. We build students up so they can build a better world! And do it with the new friends they make in our program!

    2- Like-minded neurodivergent peers. Our asynchronous students need one another and YSA is a safe haven for these kiddos to connect around their asynchronies, quirks, and interests. We’re a place where they can be their authentic selves and make friends while doing so!

    3- Passionate, masterful neurodivergent mentors who have walked the walk and can authentically validate and support your child with personal experience and care AND expertise as we all have advanced masters + degrees

    4-Content your students care about taught in a way they love! We offer the courses they need to be taking, not the ones they’re required to take.

    Come by and see for yourself!

  • Please don’t confuse reactive “distance learning” and virtual enrichment programming. After all, a student who is completely fried from a boring zoom class is often quick to pick up a tablet or phone, right?

    Our courses are not at all the same animal =)

  • THIS IS A SATISFACTION GUARANTEE, so your child must attend the class in question to qualify.

    If you’re not 100% IN LOVE with your courses, here are your options:

    1- 8-Week Courses Refund requests must be received up to 24 hours after the first course begins to do one of the following options: 

    Payment plan or Paid in full- 3 options: transfer to another course of the same price, get a 100% refund credit toward a future class, or get a 75% money-back to the original payment method. 

    2-  16+ Week CoursesThe deposit made at the time of enrollment is non-refundable. Cancellation options are:

    Payment plan- Cancellation requests received up to 24 hours after the first course begins will stop any future payments. Any cancellation requests beyond that require a 30-day notice to stop the membership/billing.

    Paid in full- Cancellation requests require a 30-day notice. The remaining balance at the end of the 30-day cancellation period can be used to transfer to another class or be converted to credit toward a future class.

    Please read the description of each course before enrolling.

  • We do! We have 3 kinds:

    1- Word of mouth: 25% off- we know that the best way to reach new families is word of mouth. When you help another family enroll in a YSA class and they name you at checkout, you will get 25% off the cost of the course you’re currently enrolled in once they stay past the refund period. Note— this applies to all regular courses, BUT only applies to the first month of membership courses.

    2- Multi-sibling: 10% off- We believe in supporting whole families and we are willing to put our money where our mouth is! When you sign-up 2 or more kiddos you will receive 10% off. Note— this does not apply to our membership courses.

    3-Multi-course: 10% off- To fully serve your family, we hope to provide your child with all the courses they dream of taking! To make this more affordable, when you enroll in 3 or more classes, you will receive 10% off. Note— this does not apply to our membership courses.

  • Of course!

    As we like to say, if you’re on our site, you’re in the right place.

    Our programming is for students who are not being supported or challenged enough in school.

    If you have an asynchronous kiddo who you know has strengths and struggles, our courses are for your child.

  • 2e students experience such asynchronous development that it proves difficult to have hard age limits.

    We often evaluate students on a case by case basis =)

    Please email us and we’ll discuss:

  • All of our programs are 100% virtual. This allows us to bring together the twice-exceptional/neurodivergent students of the world, connect them, and nurture them!

    Your child may very well enter a 6-person class with 5 other students from 5 different states/countries!

    Cool, right?