A Sit Down With Seth Perler

It’s not every day you get to sit down with the one and only Seth Perler— a globally recognized executive function skill expert!

Last night, we had an amazing sit-down meeting in which we explored a wide array of topics, perhaps most timely of which was Seth sharing back-to-school executive function skill support.

I have to say, my hand still hurts from writing so many notes!

There were so many great nuggets that it took me more time than I care to share to select just one.

If you thought that was valuable, imagine a whole entire Summit curated by Seth! You can only imagine how incredible that would be.

Such a thing exists! It’s called TEFOS- The Executive Function Summit. You can sign up through this link and if you decide to buy the all-access pass, Seth generously offers a percentage of the registration back to YSA to support our work here =)


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