Talking To 2e Kids About Ukraine

Twice-exceptional children often really struggle with processing heavy current events. Their asynchronies often allow them intellectually understand the magnitude of the news, but their emotional maturity can often make it rather difficult to handle and process the feelings around current events.

This is especially true with events like the one transpiring in Ukraine right now.

Heck, if I'm being honest, I'm having a hard time processing what's happening... There is a lot of strong imagery and charged words being thrown around. It’s all rather overwhelming...

If you've been looking for tips on how to navigate this topic with your child, have a look at this article.

Some key highlights include:

  • Assess your own overwhelm and emotions

  • Check to see if they’re open to discussing

  • Being an active listener

  • How to work with different age groups

I hope this is a valuable resource in supporting the 2e learner in your life.

Note- it's written for a UK audience, but the advice is sound as a pound.

Disclaimer- I do not necessarily share the same views as this outlet. I merely share it with you because I find value in this particular article.


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