Attention Parents of Bright, Curious, Complex Kids

If your student is struggling, it’s not their fault... They’re simply missing the 3 Cs

Revealed on this page: The crucial misconception → Your child isn’t deficient. The environment they’re in is unable to awaken their inner genius. Discover how this program, loved by top experts, will unwrap your child’s hidden gifts, help them make friends, and ensure they feel great about themselves. Did we mention that over 300 families are currently doing this?

If You’ve Struggled…

to find a place where your bright, complex kiddo belongs and thrives, tried endless programs with high hopes only to have them not work out, had more teachers and professionals than you can count tell you what your child is NOT doing right, seen them repeatedly fail to make friends, or had your child leave other camps and schools early, then you’re about to read the letter you’ve been waiting for all your life.

Here’s why… You’ve always been missing that special something. Well, it’s more like those somethings—> 3 somethings, to be precise.

Here at Young Scholars Academy, we call these the 3cs For Success

Here, Your Child Will Have All 3 Cs

  • Captivating Content- Our students have young bodies and old brains… They NEED content that is not typically available to them due to their age.

  • Community- Our kiddos NEED one another! When together, they experience more: acceptance, belonging, patience, stimulation, and positive self-image!

  • Caring Mentors- Our children NEED mentors who truly: see, nurture, stimulate, and validate them. Our students need to look up at village elders who have walked the walk and can show them that everything is going to be OK!

If You’ve Wondered…

like most intuitive parents do, just how different your child’s life would be if they could only find a place where they’re understood and engaged in their strength areas, you now have proof that it’s making a difference!

Our Shockingly Simple Secret for Helping Students Who Seem to Struggle Everywhere Else Thrive:

  1. Discover the formula that’s working for over 300 families.

  2. Explore a can’t-help-but-be-happy system and how students like yours are using it to make friends.

  3. Uncover 2 critical mistakes that you might be making right now that are standing in the way of your child’s success and happiness.

Imagine How It Will Feel When You Have This…

Watch The Video Below To See How Families Like Yours Are Thriving Here At Young Scholars Academy:

Discover Courses By Age

NEW Format- All Classes 16 Weeks Long, Unless Specified

Invest in Your Child’s Future, Reap Lifelong Rewards

Imagine enrolling for a single semester of our courses and receiving benefits that extend far beyond traditional education. At Young Scholars Academy, our programs aren’t just about filling time—they’re about transforming your child’s life.

Here’s what you get:

  • Lifelong Skills: The strategies and support your child receives here aren’t just for the classroom. They’re skills that build resilience, critical thinking, and confidence—qualities that will benefit them for years to come.

  • Real-World Practice: More value than 1:1 work with a professional for a fraction of the cost—affordable, deep content exploration, PLUS guided socialization and friendship-building in small groups. For less than the price of weekly sessions, your child gets tailored instruction, peer interaction, and mentorship.

  • Exponential Return: This is a critical moment in your child’s life—a time when the right intervention can change everything. Early engagement in our programs can set the stage for a lifetime of success. The confidence, friendships, and academic growth your child gains now will forever alter their trajectory. It’s an investment in their present and their future, offering returns that will continue to pay off throughout their lives.

  • Plus $1,854 in bonuses to ensure you get support outside the class too!

Our Promise To You

Satisfaction Guarantee: If you’re not 100% IN LOVE with your class, email us within 24 hours, and we’ll either transfer you to another or stop all future payments.

We’re taking a risk because you’re getting over $1,800 in bonuses when you sign up, and you could cancel the class and keep all the bonuses.

All the risk is on our shoulders, not yours! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


Fall 2024 Bonus

When you enroll in our Fall Courses and Community, you get the amazing courses you dream of for your child AND BONUS RESOURCES worth over $1,854 in additional support, at no extra cost to you!

You Get:

  1. $624 - FREE CLASS! A LIVE WEEKLY SOCIAL CLUB: A FREE, LIVE social club that meets weekly with 6-8 other kiddos and serves as a home base where your child will make like-minded friends and thrive in a supportive community.

  2. $299 - 3-MONTH ACCESS TO A VIP FACEBOOK GROUP: Comprised of like-minded parents who are on the same journey, who will validate you, share resources with you, and support the heck out of you in the customary YSA Virtual Village fashion.

  3. $199 - VIP PRIORITY ENROLLMENT: For upcoming semesters, bi-weekly Talks, Demo Classes, and Community Events. Get early access and personalized support.

  4. $129 - A GUARANTEED SEAT AT A LIVE ASK-ME-ANYTHING WITH DR. DAN PETERS: The man who made me cry at SENG! Legendary psychologist renowned for his work with gifted and twice-exceptional children. Get your questions answered and gain invaluable insights.

  5. $129 - A GUARANTEED SEAT AT A LIVE SIT-DOWN & Q&A WITH SETH PERLER: AKA Mr. Executive Function himself, who empowers you to help your child build strong executive function foundations for back-to-school success.

  6. $129 - A GUARANTEED SEAT AT A LIVE SIT-DOWN & Q&A WITH DR. MARCY DANN: Professor of educational therapy and head of personalized learning and training at Bridges Academy. Dr. Dann, who trained Mr. Sam, helps us understand working memory and processing speed and how we can support gifted and twice-exceptional kids in these areas.

  7. $99 - ALL ACCESS PASS TO A CANNOT MISS TALK WITH ARLENE BELL, M.A., J.D.: Lawyer and leading expert in special education law, demystifying IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) through an incredible session that equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the IEP process effectively!

  8. $99 - ALL ACCESS PASS TO A CANNOT MISS TALK WITH DR. LEV GOTTLIEB: Expert neuropsychologist and professor, highlighting the science of neurodevelopmental giftedness and neuroanatomical findings, sharing practical tips for application to daily functioning, and unpacking strengths in explicit learning and memory!

  9. $49 - CUSTOM TASK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RESOURCE: Empower your child to build a lifelong, custom-tailored task-management system to get things done effectively!

  10. $49 - NOTE-TAKING RESOURCE: A comprehensive guide that empowers your child to build a research-proven note-taking system to help them stay organized and retain information more efficiently.

  11. $49 - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO LIVING A STRENGTH-BASED LIFE RESOURCE: This value-packed resource offers an awesome pathway to a strength-based life that will lead to a huge change in your child’s self-esteem in under 60 minutes!



Watch The Video To Discover How To Explore & Enroll In Seconds

  • Click The Button Below

  • Click “Calendar” At The Top

  • Use Age, Time, Dates, Course Filters

  • Add To Cart And Checkout


What Debbie Steinberg Kuntz, Leading 2e Expert Says About YSA:

"I highly recommend…Sam Young and… Young Scholars Academy.

I first met Sam when we did a pop-up program for kids during Covid. He is a former teacher at Bridges Academy who came highly recommend and he EXCELLED at teaching our unique kids. In fact, I mentored him in business for free because I was so impressed.

Now he’s running a very unique program with intriguing classes for kids 5-18, like executive function, D&D, debate, AP classes, social club, and much more.

I feel confident in recommending Sam and team to enrich your child’s education. The secret to putting the light in your child’s eyes is: blowing on the embers of their strengths and interests.”

-Debbie Steinberg Kuntz, LMFT

What Our Parents Say…

How YSA Works

  • Strength-Based Enrichment Courses: Ages 5-18 & Parents

  • 40 Weeks of1 Hour-A-Week Classes: August 26- June 20

  • Classes Are A La Carte

  • Enroll In 2+ Classes & Get A FREE Social Club

Questions Asked By Fellow Parents

  • Simple! 4 things:

    1- A focus on the positive! We don’t focus on what students aren’t doing, we support what they are and we know the rest will come. We develop strengths, interests, and relationships. We build students up so they can build a better world! And do it with the new friends they make in our program!

    2- Passionate, masterful neurodivergent mentors who have walked the walk and can authentically validate and support your child with personal experience and care AND expertise as we all have advanced masters + degrees

    3-Content your students care about taught in a way they love! We offer the courses they need to be taking, not the ones they’re required to take.

    Come by and see for yourself!

  • Please don’t confuse reactive “distance learning” and virtual enrichment programming. After all, a student who is completely fried from a boring zoom class is often quick to pick up a tablet or phone, right?

    Our courses are not at all the same animal =)

  • We do! We have 3 kinds:

    1- Word of mouth: 25% off- we know that the best way to reach new families is word of mouth. When you help another family enroll in a YSA class and they name you at checkout, you will get 25% off the cost of the course you’re currently enrolled in once they stay past the refund period. Note— this applies to all regular courses, BUT only applies to the first month of membership courses.

    2- Homeroom Social Club 100% off- When the same student enrolls in 2 courses AND Homeroom Social Club you will automatically discount 100% of the tuition for Homeroom Social Club. When enrolling in only one course, you will receive a 50% automatic discount on Homeroom Social Club

    3- Multi-sibling: 10% off- We believe in supporting whole families and we are willing to put our money where our mouth is! When you sign-up 2 or more kiddos you will receive 10% off. Note— this does not apply to our membership courses.

  • Of course! Our programming is for students who are not being supported or challenged enough in school.

    If you have an asynchronous kiddo who you know has strengths and struggles, our courses are for your child.

    As we like to say, if you’re on our site, you’re in the right place.

  • There are 2 kinds of refund requests:

    1- Traditional 8-Week Courses

    Refund requests for non-membership courses must be received up to 24 hours after the first course begins to do one of the following 3 options: transfer to another course of the same price, get a 100% refund credit toward a future class, or get a 75% money-back.

    After 24 hours after the first class begins there will be no refund of tuition. The non-refundable 25% deposit is critical as it allows us to determine which courses we can run.

    2- Membership Courses: 16-Week +

    The deposit made at enrollment is a non-refundable deposit. After that, 30-day notice is required to stop the membership. After 30 days, the membership will be stopped and recurring payments will be halted.

    Please read the description of each course before enrolling.

  • 2e students experience such asynchronous development that it proves difficult to have hard age limits.

    We often evaluate students on a case by case basis =)

    Please email us and we’ll discuss:

  • All of our programs are 100% virtual. This allows us to bring together the twice-exceptional/neurodivergent students of the world, connect them, and nurture them!

    Your child may very well enter a 6-person class with 5 other students from 5 different states/countries! Cool, right?

  • When your student successfully completes the class and passes the exam with a 3 or above, we can email you a letter upon request from the College Board stating that your child has completed a College Board approved class that your student can add to their transcript when they fill out their college applications.

  • ESA (Education Savings Account) funds are a publicly funded, government-authorized savings account that parents can use for educational purposes.

    YSA is approved with 10+ State ESAs!

    These funds can be applied to your YSA courses by following these steps:

    1. Enroll directly in the course you want to guarantee your seat

    2. Submit the invoice to your approved ESA and cc YSA at this email

    3. When ESA funds are transferred to YSA, your payment method will be refunded, less the 6% credit card fee

Funding Sources

Use Your Charter/ESA Funds From These Programs:

👋 Hi! From Our Head of School

Wherever your child is on their neurodivergent journey, NOW is the best time to take the next step towards thriving! Here, at Young Scholars Academy, you will see your child thriving from day 1!

I know that you may be feeling alone, frustrated, anxious, or uncertain about your next step on the pathway to seeing your child become all that you know that they are capable of being.

I’m here to tell you that all you have to do is just take ONE MORE STEP!

Join our 14 mentors who have dedicated their lives to ensuring your child THRIVES! Join the over 300 families currently seeing their children flourish here in our Virtual Village! Take that one step today and your only regret will be that you didn’t join us sooner!

Looking forward to serving your family at the highest level!

Your chance to enroll your child in the environment you’ve been dreaming of is here! Will you go for it? Will you take action? Click Below to do it now!

-Mr. Sam, M.Ed.

Head of School