Back-to-School Success: Executive Function Tips with Seth Perler


We’re so lucky to have the amazing Seth Perler join us at Young Scholars Academy! 🎉 Seth is a leading expert in executive function, and his insights are a game-changer for any family with twice-exceptional, gifted, and differently-wired students.

If you have a bright kiddo who struggles to get things done, this video is an absolute must-watch! Seth Perler dives deep into the challenges our kids face and offers practical, actionable advice that you can start using right away.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn:

  • Top Tips & Tricks: Seth shares his go-to strategies for helping students overcome executive function challenges. From managing time effectively to creating routines that stick, you’ll find tips that make a real difference.

  • Essential Resources: Discover the tools and resources that can support your child’s success this school year. Seth highlights some of the best options out there that are both practical and easy to implement.

  • Mindset Shifts: Seth emphasizes the importance of mindset in overcoming executive function challenges. Learn how to help your child (and yourself) approach these struggles with positivity and resilience.

  • Family Transformations: Get inspired by the transformations other families have experienced using Seth’s advice. Whether it’s improving homework habits or reducing morning chaos, the impact can be life-changing.

👉 Watch the full video here to get all these valuable insights directly from Seth Perler!

But that’s not all. Seth is the founder and host of TEFOS Summit (The Executive Function Online Summit), where he and other experts dive even deeper into strategies for supporting executive function in students. If you found his talk helpful, you won’t want to miss this summit!

Yours truly is one of the speakers at TEFOS this year and I have to tell you, this is an event you won’t want to miss!

🔗 Check out the TEFOS Summit here and grab your spot today!

Why Executive Function Matters

Executive function skills are the foundation for managing time, staying organized, and achieving goals—skills that are crucial for school success and beyond. For twice-exceptional and differently-wired students, these skills can be especially challenging to master, but with the right support, they can thrive.

At Young Scholars Academy, we’re committed to providing the resources and guidance your family needs to navigate these challenges.

Whether it’s through expert talks like Seth’s or our specialized programs, we’re here to help your child succeed.

Click Below—> to explore our very own:

Let us know in the comments below which tip, trick, or system you use to help plan to use to help your kiddo this year!


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