
Young Scholars Academy is a virtual village that helps twice-exceptional & differently-wired students to feel seen, nurtured, and happy as heck through strength-based courses, camps, and community!

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Back-to-School Success: Executive Function Tips with Seth Perler
Samuel Young Samuel Young

Back-to-School Success: Executive Function Tips with Seth Perler

Join Seth Perler at Young Scholars Academy for expert tips on boosting executive function in twice-exceptional and differently-wired students.

Discover strategies, resources, and mindsets to help your child thrive this school year.

Get in-depth advice and support. Watch now and transform your child’s learning journey!

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Where Is The “Fun” In Executive Function?
Amber K Willburn Amber K Willburn

Where Is The “Fun” In Executive Function?

I have many strengths, but like many other folks with ADHD, I have a thousand good ideas in my brain that swim around until they starve slowly from lack of care and feeding or burrow so deeply into my skull that I can think of nothing else until I start, and then abandon yet another mostly finished project. I know I’m not alone in this, because I also have three children who have joined me in this ADHD journey. Executive function is not fun for me, it’s not super fun for my kids, and I think it’s not so fun for my husband who is often the frontal cortex of our family.

So, what is executive function and why should we care?

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6 Proven Study Strategies To Take Studying To The Next Level!
executive function Samuel Young executive function Samuel Young

6 Proven Study Strategies To Take Studying To The Next Level!

We all want to maximize our child’s learning and help them to achieve. The thing is, studying is a skill in and of itself that often gets rushed over.

Studying is not one size fits all! In fact, it’s more like a Frankenstein thing that we build over time as we’re exposed to different systems.

One of the biggest hurdles is that there are countless study methods and techniques available and it can be challenging to determine which ones are effective.

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