New Gallup Poll Paints a Bleak Picture of Education—Have A Student At Risk?


A ​shocking new Gallup poll just revealed what many of us have feared for a long time: the traditional education system is failing our kids. The numbers don’t lie, and the picture they paint is grim...

Alarming Findings:

Over 50% of Students Aren’t Challenged or Interested: Less than half of Gen Z k-12 students say their coursework challenges them or gives them the opportunity to do what they do best

Up to 54% of Students Aren't Engaged: Many students are sleepwalking through their school days, feeling disconnected and uninterested in what they’re learning. Is your student one of them?

40% of Students Feel Hopeless About Their Future: A staggering number of students don’t feel challenged by their schoolwork. They’re not exploring their interests, and they don’t see a clear path forward. For students who don’t plan to go to college, the situation is even worse—they’re struggling with a lack of optimism and motivation.

Schools Aren’t Helping Kids Explore Their Passions: Traditional schools are pushing a one-size-fits-all approach, focusing narrowly on college prep. But what about the kids who want something different? They’re left feeling lost and unsupported, with no one encouraging them to pursue their dreams.

Mentorship Is Missing: Many students report that they don’t have any teacher at school who’s guiding them toward their goals.

It Looks Bleak...

The Gallup poll highlights a sobering reality: Our kids are not being given the tools they need to thrive. They’re disengaged, unmotivated, and unsure about their futures. As parents, this should set off alarm bells.

But There Is a Solution.

Imagine if your child could learn in an environment where their interests are at the center of their education. A place where they feel challenged, inspired, and guided by mentors who genuinely care about their success.

This isn’t just a dream—it’s exactly what we offer at Young Scholars Academy.

Why Young Scholars Academy?

Engaging and Relevant Content: Our classes are designed to captivate your child’s interest, making learning something they look forward to—not something they dread.

Personalized Learning Paths: We help students explore their passions and discover new ones. Whether they’re into robotics, creative writing, or anything in between, we tailor their education to what excites them most.

Supportive Mentorship: Our teachers aren’t just educators; they’re mentors who invest in your child’s future. We’re here to guide them, inspire them, and help them see a future filled with possibilities.

Fall Classes Start Monday!

Don’t let your child lost hope... Give them the chance to thrive in a learning environment that’s designed to help them succeed.

Classes start Monday and some have a few seats left.

Click here to enroll now and give your child the education they deserve.

Make this school year the one where your child feels hopeful, taps into passions, works with mentors, and discovers their potential!

P.S. Break free from this bleak situation and offer your kiddo hope- Click here to save your seat before courses kick off on Monday


Transform Your Child’s School Year with a Strength-Based Approach


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