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Thrice-Exceptional (3e): Intentionally Opening the World of Twice Exceptionality for  Culturally Diverse Learners
Parent Support, inclusion, twice-exceptional Dr. Joy Lawson Davis Parent Support, inclusion, twice-exceptional Dr. Joy Lawson Davis

Thrice-Exceptional (3e): Intentionally Opening the World of Twice Exceptionality for  Culturally Diverse Learners

Several years ago, as I continued to engage with school leaders and advocates to close the gaps in gifted education services, particularly as related to meeting the needs of our most underserved populations, I discovered another population of students that was gravely underserved in gifted and advanced learner services.

This discovery came about from multiple contexts, including but not limited to—conversations with colleagues and culturally diverse parents, meetings with school personnel, a review of the literature, and continuously keeping track of online services that were erupting across the nation designed to draw attention to the needs of twice-exceptional learners.

Across all these groups what became evident was that once again, culturally diverse learners—in particular Black, Brown, and low-income gifted learners were being overlooked. As a lifetime advocate and scholar representing underrepresented gifted learners, I felt compelled to speak up.

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