Illuminating Interviews- Cindy Hansen

You know when you ask the twice-exceptional kiddo in your life to do something until you're blue in the face and it still doesn't get done? It can be infuriating, right?

If you're nodding along right now, you can't miss the latest Illuminating Interview with soon-to-be-Dr. Cindy Hansen.

Discover how to scaffold your twice-exceptional child’s growth now so you can begin this transformative journey, together!

Warning- the pathway isn't what you think!

Cynthia Z. Hansen, M.Ed., ET/P, is an Educational Therapist and Twice-Exceptional Consultant facilitating the growth of gifted and creative individuals with executive function delays, ADHD, dyslexia, and complex learning profiles using a strength-based, whole-child approach.  

Promoting awareness of the strengths of these learners, Cindy develops and leads parent and professional development workshops and conference presentations on issues facing gifted and twice-exceptional learners. Cindy is a California certificated teacher in Multiple Subjects, Social Studies, and Language Arts and advocates for highly able and twice-exceptional students as President of the Tri-County GATE Council in Southern California, as an advisory board member for The G Word movie (2022), and pursuing her doctorate in Social Justice and Equity in Cognitively Diverse Learners and Twice-Exceptionality at Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education.

PS-Please email me and let me know your thoughts on the interview:


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