Neuro-Affirming Blog

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The Last 2 Miles: Finishing The Year Strong & Heading Into Summer Even Stronger 💪
end of year, school, strenghts Amber Willburn and Mr. Sam end of year, school, strenghts Amber Willburn and Mr. Sam

The Last 2 Miles: Finishing The Year Strong & Heading Into Summer Even Stronger 💪

This year has been a marathon, and we are now 2 miles from the finish. Some folks will say this is the easiest part because you can see the finish line, hear the crowds, and your adrenaline can kick in to carry you through the end.

Some will say that this is the hardest…

This school year has been a marathon. You and your child are almost to the end. Finish strong with whatever energy you both have left by following a few tips:

  1. Help your child take stock of…

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