Neuro-Affirming Blog

Do you have/work with bright, differently wired students? Looking for guidance, expert tips, thought-provoking content, tools, or answers to your burning questions?

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Developing Super Strengths, Not Super Deficits!
Sam Young Sam Young

Developing Super Strengths, Not Super Deficits!

All too often our brilliant students are defined by what they don't do well... This continues to baffle me.

Imagine judging a dolphin for its inability to walk on land or a giraffe for not being able to dive deep into the water. It seems so blatantly obvious here, but we do this to our students all the time. We set expectations and don’t take time to evaluate their strengths, interests, or talents.

We know darn well that when our students are immersed in their interest areas and their strengths are supported and developed, there is truly no limit to what they can accomplish.

Look no further than this website that our eight-year-old students made.

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Is Your Neuodivergent Student College Ready? Featuring: Dr. Eric Endlich
Sam Young Sam Young

Is Your Neuodivergent Student College Ready? Featuring: Dr. Eric Endlich

Wondering if your neurodivergent/twice-exceptional kiddo is ready for college? You’re not alone! There is a lot of confusing information out there and it can make supporting our already complex kiddos an even more difficult task…

While all of our students are so unique, there are general guidelines that can be really helpful to understand.

Don't miss this value-packed highlight from our amazing webinar with special guest Dr. Eric Endlich.

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Illuminating Interviews- Coleman Sokol
Sam Young Sam Young

Illuminating Interviews- Coleman Sokol

Do you grant your child enough room to make mistakes?

This is an important question posed by my most recent guest on the Illuminating Interviews series, Coleman Sokol.

Coleman is a twice-exceptional senior in college who once wondered if he would make it through high school. He's now preparing to graduate from college with a PERFECT 4.0 GPA! Talk about a success story!

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Breaking The Burial Cycle

Breaking The Burial Cycle

Does it feel like your 2e learner starts out each year with big dreams of being organized and successful, only to have it all fall apart?

Join me as we explore the 3 KEY ELEMENTS of an Effective Task Management System to help get your twice-exceptional learner get out from under a pile of late work and into the driver's seat!

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Illuminating Interviews- Elinor Shapiro
Sam Young Sam Young

Illuminating Interviews- Elinor Shapiro

In this Illuminating Interview, Elinor consoles parents who might be worried about their child’s ability to venture out and succeed beyond school by offering some unconventional wisdom.

Check out this short clip of the hour-long interview in which Elinor paints a vivid picture for us of how she’s found success because of her asynchronies.

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The Salt and Pepper of Supporting 2e Kiddos
Sam Young Sam Young

The Salt and Pepper of Supporting 2e Kiddos

Whenever I think of mentoring twice-exceptional students, cooking comes to mind. Admittedly, I’m not much of a cook, but I do like to eat! Cooking is a true art form because it’s always fluctuating. A recipe may be consistent, but the process is never constant. Many factors shape the experience: the cook, the kitchen, preparation, presentation, ingredients, and the emotional and physical state of the consumer, among others.

Supporting 2e students is similar. Though professionals and parents may be consistent, things never stay constant, the menu changes, and appetites differ. There are core ingredients, however. Mentoring is like salt that helps bring out the natural flavor.

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Illuminating Interviews- Kim Southerland
Sam Young Sam Young

Illuminating Interviews- Kim Southerland

Do you often wonder how to get your twice-exceptional child ready for the “real world”?

Don't miss Ed Specialist Kim Southerland's Illuminating Interview where she tackles that complicated question.

In this interview, Kim challenges us to reexamine our own understanding of our reality and that of our children.

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The Women Who Do It All!
Sam Young Sam Young

The Women Who Do It All!

Moms, never underestimate your power! As far as I can tell, there is no one more powerful in this world than you!

You are the courageous few who:

  • go up against the system and fight for accommodations

  • see strengths in your child when the rest of the world seems to see shortcomings

  • entrench yourselves in learning about neurodiversity and taking creative approaches with your kiddo

  • invest in programs that offer your child what you know is right

  • give so much by being a working professional and supporting your child full-time OR putting your career on pause to support your child full time

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Illuminating Interviews- Cindy Hansen
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Illuminating Interviews- Cindy Hansen

You know when you ask the twice-exceptional kiddo in your life to do something until you're blue in the face and it still doesn't get done? It can be infuriating, right?

If you're nodding along right now, you can't miss the latest Illuminating Interview with soon-to-be-Dr. Cindy Hansen.

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Illuminating Interviews- Dr. Rick Olenchak
Sam Young Sam Young

Illuminating Interviews- Dr. Rick Olenchak

Parenting 2e kids is tough. Really tough! It often seems like the whole world only sees challenge areas. Sadly, we live in a society that identifies and diagnoses deficits and prescribes “solutions” based on what kids struggle with…

Tune in to this Illuminating Interview with Dr. Olenchak to discover how to be a part of the changing wave of positive, strength-based, talent-focused education.

Rewrite the narrative and discover how to diagnose strengths and prescribe strength-based learning.

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Talking To 2e Kids About Ukraine
Sam Young Sam Young

Talking To 2e Kids About Ukraine

Twice-exceptional children often really struggle with processing heavy current events. Their asynchronies often allow them intellectually understand the magnitude of the news, but their emotional maturity can often make it rather difficult to handle and process the feelings around current events.

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Can Education Be More Like The Olympics?
Sam Young Sam Young

Can Education Be More Like The Olympics?

As the Winter Olympics draw to a close, I can't help but reflect on talent development and the broader education system.

I can’t help but ask myself this burning question that seems so obvious to me. If the whole world is watching, they must see value in excellence, correct? They must respect the development of talent, right? Surely, they are enamored with getting the best and brightest to push the bounds of what we know, no?

Then why don’t we do this with education?

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New School Year, New Student?
Sam Young Sam Young

New School Year, New Student?

All too often, we continue to do things the way they've been done simply because that's the way we’ve always done them. I have found the best way to hop off that hamster wheel and be deliberate about my actions is to first develop some awareness around said actions. I like to meditate on the year that has passed and reflect on how it’s affected me.

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Rudolph The 2e Reindeer?
Sam Young Sam Young

Rudolph The 2e Reindeer?

I always know it's December when the flood of Christmas movies on TV swells to a tidal high. This year, I can't help but watch these classics through a different lens; a strength-based, positive psychology lens.

After watching the 1964 classic, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, I can't help but feel like Rudolph is totally 2e!

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Thankfulness + Reflection= More Happiness
Parent Support Sam Young Parent Support Sam Young

Thankfulness + Reflection= More Happiness

In The Spirit of Thanksgiving

“Energy flows where the mind goes” -Unknown

Society often has us focusing on what we don’t have… This naturally causes us to feel down and out. Subsequently, we become more susceptible to consumer behavior to fill the void. We look externally for our answers.

Did you know one of the best ways to combat this?

Regularly inventorying your thankfulness/gratitude can lead to more happiness and confidence!

Want it give it a try? 😄

Grab a piece of paper/open a doc and write down one/all of the following:

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Illuminating Interviews- Dr. Lin Lim
Sam Young Sam Young

Illuminating Interviews- Dr. Lin Lim

Did you know that this is how brains intake information?

Start using this advice today!

Join me as we learn from one of the leading experts in the neuroscience field!


-How brains intake information

-TOP priorities for parent support at home!

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